
Milan, Via Ceresio 7-9, Crono Fund
Milan, Via Ceresio 7-9, Crono Fund

We believe that our intellectual and human capital are the foundational and winning elements of our Company. For this, by harnessing our knowledge, we encourage creativity and diverse experiences so that they may result in our collective growth.

131 employees work with us: well-balanced in terms of both generational and gender diversity, with 81% of employees between the ages of 24 and 50 and 51% of positions held by women.

Employees by geographical origin

Dipendenti per provenienza geografica

Diversity is wealth...for an inclusive environment

Training and Professional Growth of our people are at the heart of our investments, constantly ensuring equal opportunity in the development of talent and respect for all diversity.

With this goal in mind, we have adopted a Diversity and Inclusion policy geared toward valuing diversity in the company as a strategic advantage, fostering an inclusive work environment aimed at collaboration and discussion.

Organized events and activities outside of working hours are opportunities for involvement and team building, aimed at creating moments of socialization and well-being for all of us, employees and managers, to promote a sense of belonging to our community, because COHESION for us is a principle, deeply rooted in our way of approaching business: we are a team of professionals who work together to generate value and growth in pursuit of common goals.

We believe that only by valuing the diversity of people's ethnicity, backgrounds, and experiences can we create a climate of listening and mutual appreciation, which helps form the collective identity of the company, a key element in having strong, winning teams.

Sistiana, Portopiccolo Complex, Portopiccolo Fund Duino Aurisina Trieste
Sistiana, Portopiccolo Complex, Portopiccolo Fund Duino Aurisina Trieste

Investing in talent

Our selection of talent is constantly active and also takes place through partnerships with leading universities, such as Università Bocconi, Politecnico di Milano and LUISS in Rome, to which we turn to encourage the entry of young and specialized figures and at which Investire SGR managers offer their collaboration as speakers in the Real Estate field.

Florence, YellowSquare, Secondo RE Fund
Florence, YellowSquare, Secondo RE Fund

Professional development

We have always promoted the growth and spread of organizational culture through training each individual, aware that knowledge is a central dimension in a person's and particularly in professional life. In order to strengthen its economic and professional competitiveness, our Company constantly adapts its tools to the ever-changing and evolving reality and fosters knowledge through training courses.
Over the past few years, we have provided about 3,100 hours of training, amounting to an average of about 24 hours of training per employee.

In addition, through the Investire Master Class training, we provide a great opportunity for company employees, clients and partners to constantly expand their knowledge and skills, while at the same time strengthening their positioning in the target market, and creating opportunities to forge new partnerships and collaborations.

Learn more

Rome, Via Cristoforo Colombo, FIEPP Fund
Rome, Via Cristoforo Colombo, FIEPP Fund

Work with us

Creating value from real estate. Everywhere, for everyone.

We create value: we are passionate about Real Estate.
If you want to be part of our reality, you think your talent can be developed with us and you have a degree in technical and economic subjects, you can join our dynamic and professional environment. We offer you the opportunity to embark on a new work challenge and build your career with us.

Join the team at Investire SGR.
Learn about open positions or send your application.

Open positions

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Privacy Policy
Candidates submit the information contained in the curriculum vitae on a voluntary basis. The data controller is Investire SGR S.p.A., based in Via Po 16/A, Rome. The company will process the candidate's personal information, in compliance with European Regulation 679/16 (GDPR) and Legislative Decree 196/03 (Privacy Code), for the purpose of the selection and evaluation of professional profiles to be included in its company staff. Candidates may be contacted on the basis of the data submitted, in case the data are not released or released incompletely it will be impossible to carry out the subsequent activity of possible call and selection. When asking not to send any so-called "special" information (such as religious or political beliefs, health information, etc.), note that messages containing this information will be deleted, without being processed. Personal information will not be used for any other purpose, outside of what is stated. Personal information sent by the applicant will be processed by electronic and manual means, by the authorized persons of the company. The company occasionally reserves the right to disclose the information received to external parties who, as data processors, collaborate in the company's Human Resources development and selection process. However, personal data will be deleted from the company's computer and paper files after a maximum period of two years from their receipt. During this period, the candidate may, at any time, request access to the data concerning him or her and obtain information on their processing, as well as, if the conditions are met, to rectify or delete them, limit their processing or oppose their processing, and request their portability by exercising the rights recognized in Articles 15-21 of the GDPR. This is without prejudice to the data subject's right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor, should he deem it necessary for the protection of his rights.